Buying Art 101
November 22, 2021
Buy what you love. The artwork you purchase will presumably be with you for a long time. Make sure you really love the artwork you buy and it will enhance your décor and add to your quality of life for years to come.
Spend time learning about art and individual artists instead of following the latest art trends or styles of the moment. Popularity does not ensure an artist will go up in value over the years.
Educating yourself about up and coming artists can help you purchase wonderful work that you can afford before it becomes artificially inflated. While purchasing expensive pieces by already established artists is one method of collecting, it’s certainly not the only ,and not necessarily the most profitable in the long-term.
There is no “right” way to collect art. Each collector has their own method of purchasing art, and it can vary from: buying bundles of art at one time, purchasing a select piece once every year or two, commissioning a favorite artist to create individual work with personal meaning, etc. Find the style of collecting that best suits you and stick with that.
Ask questions. A reputable art dealer or gallery should never hesitate to answer whatever questions you may have when considering the purchase of an artwork. Provenance, condition, artist information, and history are all aspects of the piece that are very important to its value and your enjoyment of the work.