To Dream a Dream: Exhibition of paintings by Stanislav Plutenko and Georgy Kurasov

Location: Mercato, 9115 Strada Place, #5155
11/16/2018 - 06/30/2018
Psychologists advise us to be attentive to our dreams – through them our sub-conscious talks to us: advising, warning and …inspiring! Stanislav Plutenko says that he sees the themes and characters for his paintings in his vivid and lucid dreams. His magnificent new surreal works “Dream” and “Magic Carpet” are a reenactment of his dreams.
Georgy Kurasov is more of a day-dreamer. Inseparable with his muse and his wife Zina, he paints only her – the woman of his dreams: placing his ideal in the ideal world of his paintings. We see Zina depicted as Europa, abducted by Zeus, or in a completely different contemporary setting: reclining, smoking and drinking wine with a melancholy aura. We will present these rarely seen works of art in our gallery.