My Zina! My Muse! My Enigma! exhibit of modern figurative paintings by Georgy Kurasov.
Location: Mercato, 9115 Strada Place, #5155
01/03/2023 - 01/17/2022
Georgy Kurasov is an artist of striking individuality in both his thought patterns and his painting and sculpture style.
Intricate, sensual, and executed with mathematical precision, his works transport the viewer into his perfect fantasy world.
Georgy and Zina have never been apart, after meeting nearly 50 years ago. This beautiful love story has lasted for over a quarter of a century. Unusually beautiful Zina is not only Georgy’s muse, but a dream-model. He paints only Zina, he is inspired only by her, he dedicates to her his mortal existence and his immortal art.